There is widespread and unnecessary fear of doomsday on December 21, 2012. Some people worry about a Maya prophesy of the end of the world, others fear a variety of astronomical threats such as collision with a rogue planet. Opinion polls suggest that one in ten Americans worry about whether they will survive past Dec 21 of this year, and middle-school teachers everywhere report that many of their students are fearful of a coming apocalypse. Following are brief facts that address these doomsday fears.
MAYAN CALENDAR: The Maya calendar, which is made up different cycles of day counts, does not end this year. Rather, one cycle of 144,000 days (394 years) ends and the next cycle begins.
MAYAN PROPHECY: The ancient Maya did not predict the end of the world or any disaster in December 2012. Such doomsday predictions are a modern hoax.
PLANET NIBIRU: Nibiru is probably the minor name of a god found in ancient Mesopotamian writing. There is no planet named Nibiru, and the fictional books by economist Zecharia Sitchin about a civilization on this planet are a hoax.
ROGUE PLANET HEADED FOR EARTH: For the past decade there have been reports of a rogue object (Planet X, or Nibiru, or Hercubolus, or even Comet Elenin) that will collide with Earth in December 2012. These claims are not true. If such a threatening world existed, it would be one of the brightest objects in the sky, and astronomers would have been tracking it for years. If it existed, its gravity would be distorting the orbits of planets, especially Mars and Earth. Astronomers know that it does not exist.
PLANET ALIGNMENTS: There is no alignment of planets in Dec 2012. There is an approximate lining up of the Earth and Sun and the center of our Galaxy in late December, but this happens every year. In any case, planet alignments have no effect on the Earth.
POLE SHIFT: There is nothing strange this year about either the magnetic poles or the rotational poles of the Earth. The magnetic polarity changes every million years or so, but that is not happening now, and it probably takes thousands of years when it does happen. A sudden change in the rotational axis has never happened and is not possible. If there were any change in the Earth's rotation, it would be instantly apparent by failure of our GPS systems.
INCREASING DISASTERS: Our planet is behaving normally in 2012, although we see more and more news stories about natural disasters. There has been no increase in earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. There has been an increase in extreme weather, including both droughts and floods, which are partly attributable to global warming, but this has nothing to do with a 2012 doomsday.
SOLAR OUTBURSTS: The Sun's ongoing 11-year activity cycle is expected to peak in 2013, not 2012. Solar outbursts (flares and CMEs) can damage orbiting satellites but will not hurt us on the surface. The strength of the 2013 solar maximum is predicted to be lower than average, not higher.
BUNKER CONSPIRACY: Accusations of a massive government cover-up are nonsense. No government could hide an incoming planet or silence hundreds of thousands of scientists. Rumors that huge bunkers have been built in the U.S. or elsewhere to shelter the elite are lies. Apparently a few people are building private shelters, but their fear of 2012 is misplaced and they are wasting their money.
SCARING CHILDREN: The group most vulnerable to doomsday claims is children. Teachers report that many of their students are frightened and some are even considering suicide. This is the most tragic consequence of the 2012 hoax.
THE END OF THE WORLD: The idea of the sudden end of the world by any cause is absurd. The Earth has been here for more than 4 billion years, and it will be several more billion years before the gradual brightening of the Sun makes our planet unlivable. Meanwhile there is no known astronomical or geological threat that could destroy the Earth.
COSMOPHOBIA: Many young people write to me that they are scared of astronomy. When they read about some new discovery, the first thing they think is that it might hurt them, even if it is happening in a distant galaxy. There is no reason for such fears, which I call cosmophobia (fear of the universe). This rash of concern seems to be the result of too many conspiracy theories and sensational stories featured on the Internet and irresponsible news outlets. Astronomical objects are so distant that they cannot threaten the Earth. Please don't be afraid of the Sun or the planets or comets or asteroids. The universe is not your enemy.
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"Lost ancient civilizations prophesied it, and it became the talking point of late 2009, Hollywood profited from it by producing a lame disaster Movie. Yet as the clock ticks ever closer, when our planet aligns for the first time for 26.000 years, and there could be eight very real events which take place on December 21st, 2012."
This has been prophesied by the ending of the fabled Mayan calendar, the Hopi Indians, and written in the ancient Chinese I-Chang, and some Christians even claim in the book of revelations itself.
The cosmic highway will be open on the day of the alignment; microbes from the sun could knock out our primitive satellites and defense systems. It would be a perfect time for aliens to visit or even invade our planet And some believe like the Scientologists that 2012, is the day an alien invasion begins from planet Nibiru.
Around the Sun, the meteoroid belt consists of thousands of particles of exploded stars and planets. The alignment with the Sun, and the center of the Milky Way could create pressures that release this belt, and create a catapult effect flinging thousands of stray meteoroids towards Earth.
On the day of the alignment our sun is exposed directly towards Earth. If pressures inside the center of the universe force a large solar flare from the sun, it could reach and burn our ozone layer and scorch our planets surface.
Some Christians quote the book of revelations and state that the day of the alignment could be the end days. The theory goes that the "true believers" are taken from Earth, as God leaves the rest to face his wrath, and perhaps the physical effects of the Alignment itself.
On the last alignment primitive cave men and dinosaurs saw the alignment-A Star shaped Sun glowing in the heavens. We could be lucky to see this beautiful Sun, and if nothing happens, gaze in wonder as the first people in 26.000 years to see such a phenomenon.
Black Holes suck in using cosmic magnetic forces anything in their immediate direction. Rather like a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner. If on the day of alignment, Earth is aligned across the universe with a Black Hole. Chances are our planet could be shaken, and jolted by the force of the Black Hole.
Nibiru has been seen and recoded as a second Sun next to our own Sun, in Russia and other Countries. This planet could be catapulted towards Earth by the magnetic forces caused by the alignment, and perhaps strike our planet.
Many "New Age" believers and Religious people have said that the alignment is the era of enlightenment. An era were some disaster or event makes us realize how wrong we are with our unsustainable, unnatural lifestyles, and we be "saved" perhaps by visiting angels or aliens.
"Ever closer, the days will tick into months, then years and sooner then we think December 21st 2012 will dawn- A day not even our most esteemed Astrologers, Political Leaders or Scientists can say with any real conviction, they know what will happen."
Living in Jakarta, can be one long story. Journey into the often astonishing, and mysterious streets of Jakarta.
Article Source: Medley
Labels: great endpoint winter mayan world 2012 prophecy mayan pyramid 2012 modern world just mayan panels alien sightings australia fbi ufo pictures real alien encounters
The filmmakers behind "Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond," who said that their film will reveal evidence of contact between the Mayans and extraterrestrials, have now released to TheWrap what they claim is photographic evidence of a pre-Mayan, alien civilization.
And they claim they've got Stephen Hawking on their side.
Producer Raul Julia-Levy supplied a photo (left), which he says was taken in southern Guatemala in the 1930s, showing a head carved in the jungle.
The monument, according to an accompanying letter by archaeologist Hector E. Mejia, dates back to between 3,500 and 5,000 B.C. and is evidence of a superior civilization unlike any known to have lived on Earth.
Mejia described the photograph as being "of a bust which at first glance can be seen to have an elongated cranium and fine characteristics which are not consistent with pre-Hispanic races of America."
"I certify that this monument presents no characteristics of Maya, Nahuatl, Olmec or any other pre-Hispanic civilization," he wrote. "It was created by an extraordinary and superior civilization with awesome knowledge of which there is no record of existence on this planet."
The photo is one of several purported pieces of evidence that will be shown in Julia-Levy's documentary, which he is making with the cooperation of the Mexican and Guatemalan governments keyed to 2012, the date the Mayan calendar ends.
"This explains who we are," said Julia-Levy, the son of actor Raul Julia. "This explains why these big f ing monuments are all around the world."
And Julia-Levy then passed along a direct quote that, he claimed, came from no less than Stephen Hawking, whom he said "is going to work with us" and will be included in his film: "I warn humanity that aliens are out there. Just because the aliens were friends with the Mayans doesn't mean they are our friends. Humans should avoid contact with aliens at all costs."
An email sent to a representative for Hawking asking about the authenticity of the quote was not answered.
Hawking has in the past said that that alien life is likely to exist in the universe ("to my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly natural"), and has speculated about the dangers of contact.
"If aliens ever visit us," Hawking has said, "I think the outcome would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans."
The Wrap has been unable to unearth any instances of Hawking saying anything about the aliens ever contacting or being friends with the Mayans.
But Julia-Levy insisted that the words are Hawking's. He also claimed government conspiracies surrounding the photo and the head it depicts: After the photo was taken in the late 1930s, he said, it was published only once, in a magazine that was then immediately withdrawn from circulation by "the government of England."
He also said the head depicted in the photo, 17 meters (51 feet) tall and six meters wide, is no longer in the Guatemalan jungle but has been moved to the United States and hidden.
"I was informed by officials in the government of Guatemala that the U.S. government brought it here," he said. According to Meija, "The creative style is not consistent with the civilizations that inhabited the southern coast of Guatemala prior to the arrival of the Spaniards... It is indisputably pre-Olmec and pre-Maya... One can assign an age between 3,500 and 5,000 BC."
Mejia is a licensed archaeologist affiliated with the Atlas Arqueological de Guatemala and the Institute of Anthropology and History in Guatemala, and with the University of San Carlos. His statement was written in Spanish; TheWrap had it translated.
Mejia goes on to compare it to other monuments, including "the Moais of Easter Island, the Pascual Abaj monument... in Guatemala" and "the Great Sphinx in Egypt." He said it was "created by an extraordinary and superior civilization" that "settled in the south of Guatemala and from there shone its light and knowledge on the hunter gatherers who were its first students and received its teachings."
Julia-Levy said that Mejia is part of an international team of archaeologists and other professionals assembled by the filmmakers because they are "willing to tell the world the truth" about the Mayan/alien connection. "We have a gang of archaeologists and scholars and scientists that are going to come forward and show everything they have," he said. And, he swears, governments will do the same.
"I was told by the officials that the Mayans and the extraterrestrials had a history of exchange," he said. "This is official. This is as official as it can get." Added Julia-Levy, "The world hasn't seen this. Nobody has seen this. But there's no doubt in my mind that the world is ready for the truth.
"This is going to create a worldwide impact in how people see things."
His movie, by the way, has yet to begin shooting. Principal photography is scheduled to begin in Mexico and Guatemala in mid-November.
Source: The Wrap
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