Friday 21 September 2012

What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012

What The Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012 Image
TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 3:10

"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."


Carlos Barrios, Mayan elder and Ajq'ij (is a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide) of the Eagle Clan. Carlos initiated an investigation into the different Mayan calendars circulating. Carlos along with his brother Gerardo studied with many teachers and interviewed nearly 600 traditional Mayan elders to widen their scope of knowledge.

Carlos found out quickly there were several conflicting interpretations of Mayan hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, Sacred Books of 'Chilam Balam' and various ancient text. Carlos found some strong words for those who may have contributed to the confusion:

Carlos Barrios: "Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed."

"We are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. As we pass through transition there is a colossal, global convergence of environmental destruction, social chaos, war, and ongoing Earth Changes."

He continues: "Humanity will continue, but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have the opportunity to be more human. We are living in the most important era of the Mayan calendars and prophecies. All the prophecies of the world, all the traditions are converging now. There is no time for games. The spiritual ideal of this era is action."

Carlos tells us: "The indigenous have the calendars and know how to accurately interpret it -- not others. The Mayan Calendars comprehension of time, seasons, and cycles has proven itself to be vast and sophisticated. The Maya understand 17 different calendars such as the Tzolk'in or Cholq'ij, some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years.

"All was predicted by the mathematical cycles of the Mayan calendars. -- It will change --everything will change. Mayan Day-keepers view the Dec. 21, 2012 date as a rebirth, the start of the World of the Fifth Sun. It will be the start of a new era resulting from and signified by the solar meridian crossing the galactic equator and the Earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy."

At sunrise on December 21, 2012 for the first time in 26,000 years the Sun rises to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree, The Tree of Life, a tree remembered in all the world's spiritual traditions.

Some observers say this alignment with the heart of the galaxy in 2012 will open a channel for cosmic energy to flow through the Earth, cleansing it and all that dwells upon it, raising all to a higher level of vibration. Carlos reminds us: "This process has already begun. Change is accelerating now and it will continue to accelerate.

If the people of the Earth can get to this 2012 date in good shape without having destroyed too much of the Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transform enormously powerful forces that seek to block the way."

The date specified in the calendar Winter Solstice in the year 2012 does not mark the end of the world. Many outside people writing about the Mayan calendar sensationalize this date, but they do not know. The ones who know are the indigenous elders who are entrusted with keeping the tradition.

Carlos tells us: "The economy now is a fiction. The first five-year stretch of transition from August 1987 to August 1992 was the beginning of the destruction of the material world. We have progressed ten years deeper into the transition phase by now, and many of the so-called sources of financial stability are in fact hollow. The banks are weak. This is a delicate moment for them. They could crash globally, if we don't pay attention. Now, people are paying attention."

The North and South Poles are both breaking up. The level of the water in the oceans is going to rise. But at the same time land in the ocean, especially near Cuba, is also going to rise. Carlos tells a story about the most recent Mayan New Year ceremonies in Guatemala. He said that one respected Mam elder, who lives all year in a solitary mountain cave, journeyed to Chichicastenango to speak with the people at the ceremony. The elder delivered a simple, direct message. He called for human beings to come together in support of life and light.

"Right now each person and group is going his or her own way. The elder of the mountains said there is hope if the people of the light can come together and unite in some way. We live in a world of polarity -- day and night, man and woman, positive and negative. Light and darkness need each other. They are a balance."

"Just now the dark side is very strong, and very clear about what they want. They have their vision and their priorities clearly held, and also their hierarchy. They are working in many ways so that we will be unable to connect with the spiral Fifth World in 2012."

"On the light side everyone thinks they are the most important, that their own understandings, or their group's understandings, are the key. There's a diversity of cultures and opinions, so there is competition, diffusion, and no single focus."

Carlos believes the dark side works to block unity through denial and materialism. It also works to destroy those who are working with the light to get the Earth to a higher level. They like the energy of the old, declining Fourth World, the materialism. They do not want it to change. They do not want unity. They want to stay at this level, and are afraid of the next level.

The dark power of the declining Fourth World cannot be destroyed or overpowered. It's too strong and clear for that, and that is the wrong strategy. The dark can only be transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. This is what leads to unity, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

Carlos said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will call attention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water have dominated various epochs in the past, there will be a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun
that element is 'ETHER'.

The dictionary defines Ether as a "hypothetical substance supposed to occupy all space, postulated to account for the propagation of electromagnetic radiation through space." Perhaps it could be defined as the "space between space". I would suggest it could be manifest as the alignment of charged particles from our solar system (Sun), and our galaxy (Milky Way) surge. The Ether element represents spiritual energy.

"The element of the Fifth Sun is celestial. Within the context of Ether there can be a joining of the polarities. No more darkness or light in the people, but an uplifted unity. But right now the realm of darkness is not interested in this. They are organized to block it. They seek to unbalance the Earth and its environment so we will be unready for the alignment in 2012."

"We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and unity now, to confront the other side and preserve life."

"We are disturbed -- we can't play anymore. Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and take action. Everyone is needed. You are not here for no reason. Everyone who is here now has an important purpose. This is a hard but a special time. We have the opportunity for growth, but we must be ready for this moment in history."

Carlos says: "The prophesied changes are going to happen, but our attitude and actions determine how harsh or mild they are. We need to act, to make changes, and to elect people to represent us who understand and who will take political action to respect the Earth."

"Meditation and spiritual practice are good, but also action. It's very important to be clear about who you are, and also about your relation to the Earth. Develop yourself according to your own tradition and the call of your heart. But remember to respect differences, and strive for unity. Eat wisely
a lot of food is corrupt in either subtle or gross ways. Pay attention to what you are taking into your body. Learn to preserve food, and to conserve energy. Learn some good breathing techniques, so you have mastery of your breath. Be clear. Follow a tradition with great roots. It is not important what tradition, your heart will tell you, but it must have great roots."

"We live in a world of energy. An important task at this time is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything -- people, plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to the World of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element 'ether' -- the realm where energy lives and weaves. Go to the sacred places of the Earth to pray for peace, and have respect for the Earth which gives us our food, clothing, and shelter. We need to reactivate the energy of these sacred places. That is our work."

"One simple but effective prayer technique is to light white or baby-blue colored candles. Think of a moment in peace. Speak your intention to the flame and send the light of it on to the leaders who have the power to make war or peace."

Carlos reminds us this is a crucially important moment for humanity and for Earth. Each person is important.

He said the elders have opened the doors so that other races can come to the Mayan world to receive the tradition. "The Maya have long appreciated and respected that there are other colors, other races, and other spiritual systems. They know that the destiny of the Mayan world is related to the destiny of the whole world."

"The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect, tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The real knowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great teachers have said that from the beginning. Find your heart, and you will find your way."

Source: the Mayan Elders Are Saying About 2012.html

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Friday 14 September 2012

Mayan Calendar Its Cosmic Significance

Mayan Calendar Its Cosmic Significance Image
The Cosmic significance of the Mayan Calendar has been revealed. You can discover, as I have, the incredible prophetic wisdom contained within the patterns of history.

How expansive our world view would become if we knew even to a small degree what these ancient peoples knew. They celebrated every day of their life because of what they knew of the ever evolving Divine cycles of creation. There was no polarity between science and spirituality. All aspects and intentions of the Divine plan of creation were recorded on their calendar stones as a count of days. All life was measured in its entirety, past, present, future were part of a sacred "Oneness," part of the continuing of a great cycle that one day would come to completion.

According to their Tun calendar there are nine cycles of creation, Carl Calleman calls them underworlds in his book, "The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness," beginning with the "Big Bang" and ending in 2012.Within each cycle, creation has been accelerating and as we find ourselves now in the 8th cycle, we are provided with even more tools to light our way as our consciousness continues to evolve. For many of us, our lives have been touched with a profound sense of awe at the wonders of our world. We've been guided to accept nothing less than what we know in our hearts to be the truth.

We have seen the power of our own thoughts manifesting all that's good, and pure and beneficial. We have experienced the joy that comes from gratitude and how that can heal and make whole whatever trauma we've had in the past or may find ourselves in right now. To be aware there is a Divine plan gives us the amazing grace found in all the lessons of life. It fills us with infinite peace and patience. We are not victims in this life but participants with choices at every turn. We spend our energy wisely or unwisely based on those decisions-depending on "what we choose to pay attention to."

View Divine Influences in Your Life

Besides the Tun (Prophetic) Calendar of the Maya they celebrated creation everyday with the sacred Tzolkin (Personal) calendar. Because of the codex provided by the work of Ian Lungold we too can celebrate the Divine flow of creation. By using this calendar as a daily guide you will begin to understand the value found in viewing your life from a higher perspective. You will learn how to access what many of us consider as negative energies, and see them in a whole new light. Sometimes after learning something new we have problems applying it, but that's all part of the evolving consciousness. Insight, intention, intuition, and integrity hallmark this 8th cycle of Creation and prepare us for the bliss of the 9th cycle. That is when we actually become conscious co-creators of our own experience. A few have mastered it all ready. They have much to teach us about our own resistance to move out of the box, and into an ever expanding realm of possibilities and limitless abundance from the source of all there is, were, and will be.

Quoting one of the most gifted woman of our time, Oprah Winfrey, "The more you praise and celebrate your life; the more there is in life to celebrate." Come celebrate with me "Time" the way the Maya viewed it. Learn you can sore on the wings of eagles and witness the extinction of all that doesn't bear the fruits of brotherly love and peace.

Recognize Cosmic Patterns as They Occur

The Mayan Calendar is the most "Timely" of topics because this Divine cycle of Creation is coming to a close in 2012, only 6 years from now. The significance of this is, for the first time in the history of our planet we can see where we're headed. We don't know exactly what it is going to look like but we can recognize the patterns of the Divine Creator written even into our own daily lives. With this Daily Guide you can become familiar with the aspects and intentions of Creation and as you become attuned to these energies witness the cosmic flow in your own life. It is really a matter of entrainment and it really works It's an incredible journey, a journey that has transformed my own life.

Article Source:

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Saturday 4 August 2012

The Mayan Pyramid Of Consciousness

The Mayan Pyramid Of Consciousness Image
According to ancient Mayan beliefs the Cosmos was made up by Nine Underworlds. This fundamental idea was expressed very powerfully through their most important pyramids, the Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent in Chichen-Itza, the Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal and the Temple of the Inscriptions in Palenque, which were all built with Nine different stories.

Now where are these Nine Underworlds? the modern person may ask. Being currently unable to observe this aspect of reality people have in recent centuries for the most part tended to dismiss such ancient myths of different worlds as mere myths or fantasies. If we seek to dismiss the idea of the Nine Underworlds as a mere myth it however becomes difficult to dismiss such ancient myths of different worlds as mere myths or fantasies. If we seek to dismiss the idea of the Nine Underworlds as a mere myth it however becomes difficult to explain that the number Nine seems to have been regarded as a Holy number of fundamental importance in so many different cultures, cultures that certainly did not enjoy extensive contacts. Thus, in the Far East Nine-storied pagodas are commonly occurring, among the Jews there were Nine doors to the holiest part of the Temple and there are Nine arms of the Hanukkah candelabra. Among the Muslims the Holy month of Ramadan is the Ninth month of the year and in Viking mythology the Cosmos was described as being composed by Nine worlds. Thus people in different parts of the world all symbolically expressed the holiness of the number Nine. Maybe then there is some kind of universal truth underlying this number, some profound reason that it has independently in different cultures come to be considered as holy.

When the Christian missionaries heard about the Nine Underworlds of the Maya they interpreted these as Hells, but this seems to be way off the mark. If these were Hells, or some locations below the surface of the earth as some have inferred, why then would the Mayan kings have climbed to the top of these supposed Hells to perform sacred rituals on the pyramids. Rather than a hierarchical structure of Hells the Mayan pyramids were viewed as World Mountains - symbols of the Cosmos. And since we ourselves are living in the Cosmos it thus seems more reasonable that the Underworlds are located right here in the physical world "Below" - where we ourselves are living our lives.

Why then Nine Underworlds? Why not just one Underworld? To answer this we need to look at the longer cycles of time described by the Maya and see how these conform to the facts and datings for key steps in Cosmic evolution provided by modern science. We should then first note that similarly to the pyramids raised by the Maya their calendrical system is also hierarchical in nature, and in the Table above there are Nine different time cycles linked to the 360-day year, the tun.

A sequence of Thirteen such time periods would then make up a creation cycle of Thirteen Heavens with the specified durations. Thus, each of the Nine Underworlds was created through a sequence of Thirteen Heavens. To exemplify, the longest of the tun-based time cycles was the hablatun of 460 800 000 000 days = 1.26 billion years. Thirteen such hablatuns makes up a creation cycle of a total duration of 13 x 1.26 = 16.4 billion years that created the lowest, the first Underworld. This is a curious finding since this time period, 16.4 billion years, is very close to the age of the universe, 15 billion years, the time when matter first emerged from light (Big Bang).

The beginning of the creation of the First Underworld thus coincides well with the current best estimate of the beginning of Creation. This is a fact with very far-reaching consequences, since it means that all we today know to exist - all that has come into existence in the universe since the Big Bang - is included in the time span of the most basic of the creation cycles, the cycle of thirteen hablatuns, which creates the first of the Nine Underworlds. Mayan calendrics and the Mayan cosmology of Nine Underworlds and Thirteen Heavens is thus a tool for exploring all of creation!

Upon this the most basic of the Nine Underworlds, are then built eight other Underworlds each carrying and developing a special frame of consciousness for the life that it creates. In this way a hierarchical nine-leveled structure is created where lower levels of consciousness provide the foundation for new and higher levels. Each of these nine creation cycles thus gives rise to a specific Underworld and each of these Underworlds is characterised by a certain frame, or dimension, of consciousness. This frame of consciousness is then created in a series of thirteen steps, through the sequential influence of Thirteen Heavens. The beginnings of these sequences of Thirteen Heavens are marked by crucial events in cosmic evolution such as we know them from the datings of modern science, and such initiatory events are listed in the Table above.

At the present time we are beginning to enter the eighth level of consciousness of the cosmic pyramid, based on the foundation provided by the seven lower levels. This eighth level may be referred to as the galactic frame of consciousness as it will step by step lead humanity to identify primarily with the galaxy. The highest level of consciousness, the Universal, will be attained through the workings of the Ninth Underworld in the year 2011 and will result in a timeless cosmic consciousness, and a citizenship in the universe, on the part of humanity.

by Carl Johan Calleman

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Saturday 16 June 2012

2012 Mayan Doomsday Prophecies

2012 Mayan Doomsday Prophecies Image
'The Maya created the most sophisticated calendar systems in the ancient world, and according to many scholars their Long Count Calendar will come to an end on December 21, 2012. What does this mean for mankind? Some researchers believe it will usher in the return of Bolon Yokte--a mysterious god associated with creation and war.

Could this god actually be an extraterrestrial as some ancient astronaut theorists believe? Other scholars believe the end of the calendar will bring about a series of catastrophic events that may threaten the very existence of mankind.

They point to a rare galactic alignment that will coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar as proof of an impending geological catastrophe. If these doomsday prophecies prove to be true, will it mean the end of the world as we know it? Or could it reveal some profound truth about the origins of the human race?

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Monday 28 May 2012

2012 Mayan Prophecy In A Modern World

2012 Mayan Prophecy In A Modern World Image
According to many interpretations of the Mayan calendar, 2012 marks the end of time as we know it, or even the end of the world. Others believe that the world will not end but, instead, will be transformed as we move into an age of enlightenment. In order to understand how Mayan prophecies relate to us now in modern times, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the Mayan concept of galactic time, as well as ancient Mayan astrology and mythology.

What is known as the Mayan calendar is, in fact, a system of at least seventeen different calendars used by the Mayan civilization of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica- some of them charting time accurately over a span of more than ten million years. What is commonly referred to as the Mayan calendar today is actually a combination of three of these calendar systems known as the Tzolk'in (the sacred calendar), the Haab (the civil calendar) and the Long Count.

The Tzolk'in is based on the twentysix-thousand- year cycle of the Pleiades and combines the numbers from one through thirteen with a sequence of twenty day-names. It works in a similar manner to our named days of the week and their dates within each month. After 260 days, the same number/name combination will recur, and the calendar starts anew.

The Haab is an agricultural calendar and consists of eighteen months,each with twenty days with the addition of a five-day month for a cycle of 365 days.

The Tzolk'in calendar and the Haab calendar are combined to produce a cycle of 18,980 days, which is a little less than 52 solar years.

The Long Count describes a great cycle of thirteen b'ak'tuns, which is approximately 5,126 solar years. This system is comprised of a 360-day year called a k'in; twenty of these k'ins are known as a uinal; eighteen uinals make one tun; twenty tuns are known as a k'atun; and twenty k'atuns make a b'ak'tun. This is relevant to us today because December 21, 2012, is the end of the current great cycle that began on August 11, 3114 B.C.


In order to better understand why some believe that the Mayan Long Count actually ends in 2012, it is necessary to recognize certain astrological and galactic cycles. At sunrise on December 21, 2012, for the first time in twenty-six thousand years, the sun will rise to conjunct the intersection of the Milky Way and the plane of the ecliptic, which will form a great cross of stars and planets in the sky. This cosmic cross is considered to be an embodiment of the Sacred Tree also known as the Tree of Life.

In 2012, there will also be a transit of Venus, when Venus passes directly in front of the Sun from our perspective on the Earth. There is a perfect alignment between the Earth, Venus and the Sun. The last transit of Venus occurred in 1882, around the time of the rediscovery of ancient Mayan sacred sites. Transits of Venus are fairly rare celestial phenomena, and they occur in pairs, separated by eight years, in alternating cycles every 105 and 120 years.

The solar meridian crossing the galactic equator and the earth aligning itself with the center of the galaxy may signify the start of a new era, and when we take into account the cycles of the Mayan calendar, it truly does seem that we are in the midst of great changes. In the book Popol Vuh: A Sacred Book of the Maya, which chronicles the Mayan civilization' s creation myth known to the Quich'e Maya of the colonial-era highlands, the end of the thirteenth b'ak'tun is of great significance. It does not mark the end of the world but, instead, views humanity as moving from the World of the Fourth Sun into the World of the Fifth Sun and a time of a rebirth.

It is believed by the Maya that we are no longer in the World of the Fourth Sun, but that we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun.

This is the time inbetween, the time of transition, and if we choose to use the Mayan prophecies as guidance, we can recognize that that we are simply part of greater, ongoing cycles for humanity and begin to live our lives accordingly. When we begin taking responsibility for creating our own reality, we begin living in a very different world.

Since the advent of the Fourth Night, which began at the end of November 2005, we have been integrating and preparing for breakthroughs in the human collective experience. Due to the nature of the laws of synchronicity, when this energy merges with our world as it currently exists, we will experience changes in all aspects of reality including earth changes, political upheaval and economic crisis.

Learning to understand the world from the Mayan galactic perspective will be invaluable in the days to come. The Mayan calendar is not simply a method of marking time, but rather a map of human potential that is meant to assist us as we begin to perceive reality from a global, multidimensional perspective. The Mayan information provides symbolic keys and markers in time and space to help us navigate through the new reality that is emerging through us.


2012 is not a future moment in time but rather an energy that permeates every facet of our lives today, and we are encouraged to integrate our vision for the future into who we are in the present by taking responsibility for our choices and actions on a daily basis.

When we begin to take responsibility for the consequences of our choices, we begin living in a very different world.

Carl Calleman, an internationally recognized Mayan expert, describes the Mayan calendar as "an intentionally explorative and dynamic process where the dates are offered only as synchronizing signposts.

What we do and who we are during these times are the features of our collective awakening that ushers in the energies that the Mayan calendar describes."

Regardless of how relevant ancient Mayan prophecies may seem to our lives today, the fact remains that we are living in a time of unprecedented global changes in weather, natural disasters, politics, economics and education. With the technologies that we currently have at our disposal, we truly do have the ability to change the world as we know it-either by discovering how to live together peacefully, which would in fact usher in an age of enlightenment, or by destroying ourselves and our world. It is up to us.

by Shaun Martinz

SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE ~ May 2007 Issue

Source :,

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Sunday 29 April 2012

2012 Mayan Prophecy And The Shift Of The Ages

2012 Mayan Prophecy And The Shift Of The Ages Image
Is December 21, 2012 the end of the world as we know it? Climate change seems inevitable with countless hurricanes, earthquakes and innumerable disasters around the globe in recent years.

What did the ancient Maya know and why did they place such significance on this date? As we near the final date of the Mayan Calendar, mankind must face what is perhaps the most difficult hurdle of all... a profound change in ourselves.

Gf Stray and Philip Coppens take us on a journey into the Mayan mysteries to uncover a startling perspective on 2012, the lost meaning of the great cycle of the ages. They challenge the doomsday prophets and argue that 2012 is not the apocalyptic end of times, it is in fact only the beginning. Time will never be the same again.

Philip Coppens (with additional material from Gf Stray)

At the end of the 20th century, many predicted the advent of doom - or the return of Christ. The 16th century French prophet Nostradamus had spoken of the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999. Could this astronomical phenomenon be a sign - could it be the end of an era? It soon became clear that September 11, 2001 has changed our world much more than August 11, 1999. But in recent years, the new "end date"... our meeting with destiny... has been moved to December 21, 2012. So what is meant to happen?

Climate change, worse hurricanes than ever before and the most violent earthquakes ever experienced do dominate the news regularly. What is happening? After so many false alarms, is finally something up? Though climate change might be manmade, hurricanes and definitely earthquakes are clearly out of our hands. So what is causing this? Some look towards the sun and claim that "certain things" are happening to it. Some scientists even hold the sun responsible for climate change, noting that the global warming is not just happening on this planet, but all throughout the solar system. But can all of this be reduced to one day in time?

Fact is that December 21, 2012 is indeed the end of something - the Long Count calendar, a calendar system used by the Mayan civilisation of Central America. On that day, the thirteenth b'ak'tun cycle will be completed. Some Mayan and other Mesoamerican groups, such as the Aztecs, say we live in the Fifth Age. The next age, to be born in 2012, will therefore be that of the Sixth Sun. Our Age started on August 11, 3114 BC, but as it is known that 3114 BC did not mark the beginning of the world, why should we consider 2012 to be the end of the world? Or the birth of a new one?

As we highlight in the DVD, "2012: Odyssey of Time", amongst those to first popularise 2012 was Jose Arguelles, who in 1987 held the Harmonic Convergence, a series of worldwide esoteric-religious events which took place on August 16 and August 17, 1987. The event was centered on a number of "sacred" places throughout the world from Stonehenge to the Golden Gate Bridge where individuals, many referring to themselves as "light beings", gathered to usher in a new era.

Arguelles used a mixture of the Aztec and Mayan calendars, the ancient Chinese oracle, the I Ching and New Age spiritualism to concoct a successful potion. To him, August 16, 1987 was important as it marked the end of a Mayan time cycle, specifically nine "hell" cycles, which had begun in 1519 AD. The Harmonic Convergence signalled the final 26-year countdown to the end of the Mayan Long Count in 2012, which would be the "end of history" and the beginning of a new 5,125-year cycle. All the evils of the modern world-war, materialism, violence, abuses, injustice, governmental abuses of power, etc.-would end with the birth of the Sixth Sun and the Fifth World on December 21, 2012.

A lot of things have happened since 1987... The Iron Curtain has come down; the cold war has ended. But it's clear that today, there is no sign that violence, war and governmental abuses of power as such is going to end anytime soon. If it will by January 1, 2013, nothing short of a miracle will need to occur. However much we might like to see that, or even cheer it on, it's unlikely it will happen. Instant salvation of the world is popular amongst certain sections of Christianity, but most other religions and doctrine have forever realised that creating heaven on earth is a slow, and human, task.

Arguelles was not the first to focus the attention of the world on the year 2012 along with the I Ching. A decade before Arguelles published his ideas in "The Mayan Factor", Terence McKenna and his brother Dennis authored "The Invisible Landscape", announcing 2012 as the year that humankind's accelerating technological impact reaches a climax and tips everything into another dimension. McKenna's model is known as "TimeWave Zero", and is part of his "Novelty Theory", which attempted to calculate the ebb and flow of novelty - new things - in the universe as an inherent quality of time. The fractal waveform, the TimeWave, is simply a wave that maps the amount of novelty that manifest in the universe. Within the quantum universe in which we live, "new things" in essence means that any new conscious decision made by each of us, a decision that breaks a pattern, has a direct impact on reality. And this simple, scientific yet little known fact, might hold the key to a brighter future.

McKenna recruited mathematicians, Leon Taylor and Royce Kelley, to generate a number set from the King Wen sequence of the I Ching, in the quest to scientifically study the TimeWave.

Unlike a normal graph, the wave goes down rather than up, since the Novelty Theory presumes there is a maximum novelty value, and this is represented by the baseline of the graph. The line goes up towards habit - events that occur repeatedly, without conscious intervention, and down towards novelty - when conscious decisions lead to "new things" being introduced into the daily life of the universe.

The graph hits the baseline and signifies a maximum novelty state only twice - at the start and end of the graph - the beginning and end of time. Maximum novelty value is therefore zero, which is why the original Timewave was called Timewave Zero.

Having produced the wave, it had to be correlated to history, to find out where we are on the wave. The explosion of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima in 1945 was taken as a massive ingression of novelty and equated with a large spike near the end of the Timewave. Once this was done, it was found that the wave hits the baseline exactly sixty-four 13-month lunar years later, on 17th November 2012. When McKenna learned that this was very close to the Mayan Long Count Calendar end-date, further study and adjustments made him realise that December 21, 2012 might indeed be "the" day when time as we know it was perhaps not so much a thing of the past, but at least given its notice period. Time, after all, is largely something we experience, and for which science has never come up with a totally satisfactory answer.

McKenna labelled the end of the wave a singularity, which in astronomical terms is where density is infinite - like at the center of a black hole. A singularity is exactly what Peter Russell has called the centre of his accelerating time spiral, which he calls the White Hole in Time. Russell realized that there are ten thousand million, or ten to the power of ten atoms, in a neuron and the same number of neurons in the human cortex of the brain. We are now at a population level of well over ten to the power of nine, approaching the critical number of ten to the ten. Could we soon be seeing this shift, where individual units link and become functioning parts of a larger organ - the global brain?

Another great philosopher, Robert Anton Wilson conducted an Information Doubling study and updated it over a period of eight years. A French economist called Georges Anderla did the groundwork in 1973, and Wilson built on it, starting with the beginning of Homo sapiens in 40,000 BC. It took 40,000 years, for information to build to a significant level in the Bronze Age around 3,000 BC - neatly coinciding with the beginning of the Mayan Long Count.

The next doubling took 3,000 years until the Roman Empire at 1 AD. When he started the study around 1982, information was doubling once every three years. In 1990, when he completed another instalment in the study, he said the doubling rate was once every eighteen months. When Wilson graphed the process, the figures produced a graph that shows a slow build then a sudden acceleration in the 20th century, and the graph goes vertical shortly after year 2000 - in fact right around 2012.

Is it possible that the Mayans knew all of this? It is a matter of fact that the date is expressed in their calendar. The Long Count date of the start point in 3114 BC is written as the completion of 13 Baktuns, with zero katuns, zero tuns, zero uinals, zero days. On the winter solstice of 2012, the same date is repeated, for the first time in a span of around 5,125 solar years.

The question is whether a new cycle will just begin - just as our clocks keep ticking every year on the first of January - or whether something else will happen. The problem with trying to answer the question "what will happen in 2012?" is that the people who created the Long Count are no longer around. At the end of the Classic era, six hundred years before the Spanish conquered Central America, it is known that this Long Count calendar fell out of use; the people who worked it and tracked it were the priestly elite, and they were all long dead before the arrival of the Conquistadors.

It's only over the last 100 years that the Long Count calendar was reconstructed, and that it was mapped on the Gregorian Calendar, to December 21, 2012.

There is an incomplete inscription on Tortuguero Monument 6, that records this 13th b'ak'tun end date. This is the only known inscription that mentions 2012. The end date is also carved on the walls of the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, as well as on the so-called Creation monument at Quirigua, but this is the previous instance of it, in 3114 BC - the last creation - while 2012 is the completion of the current creation.

The Tortuguero inscription says that when the completion of 13 baktuns occurs on 4 ahau 3 kankin, December 21 2012, "it will occur - it will be the descent of the Bolon Yokte K'uh (Nine Support Gods) to the..." It's tempting to imagine that the missing word is "Earth", but we can see the outline of the glyph and a search in the Maya glyph dictionary didn't find a match for Earth or World. However, the "it" that will occur is semi-visible and looks like the glyph for darkness.

There is support for this interpretation in the Chilam Balam Prophecies, which means Jaguar Priest Prophecies. These were written down after the Spanish arrived and are a bit tainted with Christian concepts, but Maud Makemson, who translated the Chilam Balam of Tizimin, found evidence that some of these prophecies originally applied to the 13-baktun cycle. Although they are applied to a short-term calendar 13-katun calendar of 256 years, that was in use when the Spanish arrived, it is quite definite that when the Long Count fell out of use, the prophecies were kept and re-applied to the 13-katun cycle or Short Count.

In the Chilam Balam of Chumayel, it says that in katun 4 Ahau (which is the katun from April 1993 to December 2012) the feathered serpent god, Kukulcan, will return. This god originated with the Toltecs as Quetzalcoatl and it is now known that the original Quetzalcoatl religion was about raising a serpent-like energy up the spine - the very same concept as the Hindu concept of kundalini. In the Aztec myth, Quetzalcoatl sacrificed himself, spent eight days in the underworld and reappeared as Venus. He is expected to return between Venus transits, and we are now between the Venus transit of June 2004 and the next one in June 2012. As a consequence, the likes of John Major Jenkins expect that from within the Mayan world, a new political leader might stand up, whom will be identified with Quetzalcoatl. Though most expect he will consequently be sacrificed - after all, all religious leaders, whether Osiris, Odin or Jesus, have been sacrificed - perhaps the time of sacrifice is, like our concept of time, a thing of the past?

The big question nevertheless remains, and it appears that no-one is around to answer it. Perhaps that is precisely the point. Perhaps we are here to define what comes next. It is the key message we wanted to bring out: 2012 is not about doom and gloom. After all, with massive novelty offered by the timewave, is it not up to us to think outside of the box and imagine our own future? Though it might not instantaneously materialise, it might just create the right amount of positive energy for the future.

For according to the Mayan civilisation, 2012 is meant to be a milestone, the end of an age. Within this context, we are at a point where we can shift from the descending phase of the cycle, to the ascending phase.

Equally, if anything, perhaps the Western imperialistic mindset will finally be able to acknowledge that it might accept that ancient civilisations knew far more about astronomy and perhaps even how the universe really works than what science is only slowly discovering.

For some decades, there have been loud voices that argue that we should leave our materialistic means behind and become more "spiritual", and "care" for the Earth. But we need to look at this from a bigger perspective. The review we need to do in 2012 is not one from, say, 1980 to 2012. It is from 3114 BC to 2012 AD. And it's clear that we have to call this the "Age of Civilisation", though that's perhaps not the best name for it: when Mankind decided to settle down, organise themselves, and began to focus on things like economy, exchange of goods, which eventually became the end, rather than the means, of living. With the current economic crisis - which experts argue will rear its head again in 2012 - that age definitely seems to be coming to an end. Equally, since 3114 BC, the world has become ever smaller and now, it's clear we have a truly global village, with communications between distant parts of the world happening in a matter of seconds. So the possibility of "one global mind" is within reach - if not already occurring.

So the Fifth Age has been one where Mankind stopped being largely nomadic, and decided to settle. With that, have come many wonderful buildings, but at the same time, a new dichotomy has arisen, in which we have stopped caring about those parts of the world we haven't settled, places like the Amazon, Siberia, and vast parts of Africa and Central Australia. Those are the regions where we still encounter the old shamans of the previous Age - if not Ages. It's there where McKenna had his insights. It's also, largely, where the Maya have survived, and live today.

That we even consider that the world will end in 2012 is another sign of our Age. We take things too literally. We live in too literal times. All religions have become dogmatised and fundamentalised. This is in such sharp contrast with shamanism, which is mostly the opposite. Modern religion is all about dogma and preaching it; shamanism is merely a technique on how to contact the gods directly, but hardly any doctrine about what these gods tell us to do.

So perhaps another important lesson or experience for 2012 might be the realisation that institutionalised religions need to become more spiritual - a lesson they can learn from the Maya. And if this alone would happen post 2012, it's clear we will indeed have a totally new, much more spiritual world.

At the start of a New Age, the Sixth Sun, the Mayan creation mythology states that a new vision quest is required. The world has become one, for better or for worse. We have come a tremendously long way. But if we ever want to reach the centre of our galaxy, and learn about the cradle of life, we have an even longer voyage ahead of us. That voyage will only begin in 2012.

Source : Philip Coppens

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Saturday 7 April 2012

The Apocalyptic Dates In The Mayan Calendar 2012

The Apocalyptic Dates In The Mayan Calendar 2012 Image
The Mayan calendar 2012 was constructed by an advanced civilization called the Mayans in historic Central America. The Mayan calendar 2012 was constructed round 250-9 A.D. proof for the Mayan civilization stretches around most components of southern states of Mexico and to the current nations of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The Mayan individuals had superior writing abilities and constructed great cities and they're most likely well-known for his or her pyramids and other grand buildings. They had a huge impact on Central American culture and plenty of Mayans nonetheless lived in the present day persevering with their age outdated traditions.

The Mayans used many different calendars in social, agricultural, industrial and in lots of inventive duties however there was additionally a spiritual element. The Mayan calendar 2012 was based mostly on astronomical cycles of the moon and sun. Many of the Mayan calendars are short. Considered one of their calendars ended for 260 days while the other calendar ends on 365 days. The Mayans then combined each the calendars to from a calendar spherical, a cycle lasting 52 hubs round 52 years or the approximate length of a generation.

The hub consists of 18 months every of 20 days. This Mayan calendar 2012 major goal is to maintain observe of the seasons, for seasonal and photo voltaic advance would roughly happen on the identical day each year. This was their sacred calendar, it combines a quantity from 1-13 with a sequence of 20 day names. The two-independently running calendars each start once more for each 260, 360 plus 5 days. Nonetheless every 52 years the two calendars coincide.

The 2 calendars run concurrently like intermeshed cog boots and to return to any given date 18,980 days or 52 years to elapse. Both 365 occasions fifty two and 260 occasions seventy three equal 18,980. In different phrases their long count calendar or what we now name the Mayan calendar 2012 would make 73 revolutions within the hub 52. So each fifty two calendar years of 365 days, one would return to the same date. At the finish of the fifty two years cycle, the individuals would await the rising of the beginning cluster as a sign the gods would offer another fifty two yr cycle.

The Mayans additionally expanded on the fifty two-12 months calendar spherical is called the long depend, a calendar lasting 5,126 years. It relies on the base unit of 20 as our modern calendar use the base unit of 10. The bottom year for the Mayans lengthy count begin in And every zero goes from zero to 19 and every represents a tally of days. So for example the first day within the long depend calendar is on the nineteenth day we'll have On the nineteenth day goes up one degree similar to the odometer on your car. Depend continues via the subsequent stage 365 days the next 20 years and the final level for a hundred years.

The scientist believes the end of the lengthy count calendar doesn't signify the tip of the world however only the start of a new cycle. There isn't a cause for folks to start considering what will happen in 2012 except these prophecies had been backed up with hard science evidence. Points that the world will finish in keeping with the Mayan calendar 2012 have by no means scientifically proven by any astronomers and NASA scientist who've endlessly probed celestial bodies for doable threats in our solar system.

By Kasey O. Dsouza

Thursday 29 March 2012

A Mayan Prophecy Based On Science

A Mayan Prophecy Based On Science Image


By Keith Hunter


Over the recent period there has been a massive resurgence of interest in the Maya of Central America, especially their calendar systems that stretch back to ancient times. Indeed, their Long Count calendar in particular has been the subject of intense scrutiny of late, most notably from those researchers linked to the 'New Age' movement of the recent era. That there is such extreme interest in this particular Mayan calendar, and at this present time, is due to the following chain of reasoning:

1) The Maya, as with almost all ancient world cultures, believed that the earth, as part of its natural cycle of being, lives through a series of successive 'world ages', each separated by sudden physical planetary upheaval.

2) According to modern day researchers, the Long Count calendar system was established by the Maya in ancient times to forecast or mark out the very transition points between world ages.

3) The primary recurring cycle of the Long Count calendar has been found to consist of precisely 1872000 solar days (approximately equal to 5125.36 years). And this period of time is held to be the very duration of each successive world age.

4) From the study of Long Count inscriptions found at various ancient Mayan settlements, evidence has been uncovered to suggest that the Maya believed the current world age began on 11 August 3114 BC - Gregorian calendar. (Or, under the older Julian calendar, 6 September 3114 BC).

5) If the researchers are correct in their reconstruction of the Long Count start-date, which would represent the end of the last world age and the beginning of the present age, then the addition of 1872000 days to the time of 11 August 3114 BC, will place the end of the current age at precisely: 21 December 2012 AD.As one can imagine therefore, as the time for the completion of this present age is only a few years away, there is a great deal of interest in the Mayan Long Count calendar. With many thus wondering, were the ancient Maya essentially correct in their world age beliefs, and will there indeed be some sort of massive global geophysical event in 2012 AD to mark the transition to the next world age?


In the previous discussion of world-age doctrine, with the works of Berossos and Plato considered including also the Nag Hammadi texts, it was shown that the ancients were of the firm belief that any shift from one world age to the next would occur only on the occasion of certain very precise celestial configurations manifest in the heavens. The planets and the stars would thus determine the very transition points between successive world ages.

Now, with the rise to dominance of the GMT correlation theory setting the Long Count zero-date of at 11 August 3114 BC, and thus also the current world age end-date at 21 December 2012 AD, the question inexorably emerged: Is there anything at all special about the celestial pattern of the heavens at the time of the two transition points said to bound the current world age? In the attempt to answer this question, as one might imagine, due to the nearness of the apparent end-date, researchers were far more inclined to study the celestial realm of this present era circa 2012 AD, than that of 3114 BC. With this focus, in the last decade of the millennium, an answer did indeed finally present itself.

In the early years of the 1990's it was noticed by several individuals, apparently independent of one another, that during the next few years ahead, there would occur an intriguing and rather rare astronomical alignment. One that would involve the earth upon a future winter solstice point, the sun, and also the equatorial plane of the Milky Way galaxy - within which the solar system itself is located. Initially being nothing more than merely an unusual astronomical event of some note, the alignment pattern as identified was quickly appropriated as a potential solution to the Mayan Calendar 'world-age ending' problem.

Consequently, there emerged a serious hypothesis, that the noted configuration in question was deliberately targeted by the Long Count calendar of the ancient Maya. That is to say, that in establishing the Long Count circa 500 BC, the Maya of the time intentionally chose to synchronise the completion of 13 Baktun periods (NB: 1 Baktun = 144000 days. 13 x 144000 = 1872000 days - 1 complete world age cycle) with a singular astronomical event that would take place some 2500 years in the future, upon the precise date of 21 December 2012 AD: An alignment of three principle celestial characters: the earth at winter solstice, the sun, and the equatorial plane of the Milky Way galaxy.

This then, is the theory of the so called Mayan 2012 Galactic Alignment.

Before proceeding to a full evaluation, a comprehensive description of the noted alignment is necessary, so that one may understand the precise nature of the celestial configuration itself, as is "theorised" by some to be associated with the Mayan Long Count calendar.


To understand just what the noted galactic alignment is, one must first have an awareness of the actual position of the sun - and thus also the solar system as a whole - within the Milky Way, including the galaxy's basic dimensions, and how the orbit of the earth about the sun is orientated towards the galactic plane.

" Left", one can see a full external angled view of the Milky Way, with the approximate position of the sun marked out with respect to the centre of the galaxy. It should be noted that the whole galaxy itself is composed primarily of a vast multitude of stars, which are most intensely clustered towards the centre, which is the brightest part of the Milky Way. Classed as a spiral galaxy, the whole body of stars continuously rotates about its centre point.

The overall diameter of the Milky Way is some 100,000 Light years. To put this into perspective, one may note that the mean distance between the earth and the sun is about 93 million miles; commonly referred to as an Astronomical Unit (AU). One light year is the distance covered by light in the course of one year, being equal to about 5878464 million miles. Therefore, the distance length of 1 light year equates to about 63200 Astronomical Units (AU).

For the most part the Milky Way is essentially rather flat throughout. The central concentration of stars, generally referred to as the 'nuclear bulge' - the brightest part of the galaxy - extends to a radius of about 20000 light years from the centre (40000 LY being its full diameter), with a 'north-south axis' diameter of about 30000 light years. Beyond the extended distance of the nuclear bulge the actual thickness of the galaxy rapidly drops off to only about 1000 light years on average, stretching even thinner towards the outer edge.The sun itself, which is but one of many millions of stars that form the Milky Way, is located some 28000 light years from the centre (8000 LY past the edge of the nuclear bulge), in a part of the galaxy where the actual thickness is only on the order of about 700 light years. Moreover, it should also be noted that the sun, and thus solar system as a whole, is a significant distance from the actual equatorial plane of the Milky Way, being some 20 light years deep within what may be called the 'southern' hemisphere.


Though not located precisely upon the equator of the galaxy, the solar system is sufficiently close such that in looking towards the centre of the Milky Way, one may perceive a relatively uniform and symmetrical distribution of stars that form the main band of the galaxy:

With respect to the Milky Way star band, one may note that the orbital path of the earth about the sun, from a visual perspective, appears to 'cross over the equator of the galaxy' at about 60 degrees. In the diagram pictured (below), the observer is positioned at the centre of the sun looking towards the centre of the Milky Way. The ecliptic line as marked is of the path taken by the earth in the course of a single year in orbit of the sun. The galactic equator, as also marked, is a line of 'best fit' that places half of the stars in one hemisphere and half in the other, "as viewed from the centre of the present solar system". It is a line determined purely by statistical methods. The marked point ( Sun > Galactic Equator, "but critically", with one very important additional factor, which indeed makes the entire arrangement far more complex and infrequent:

The 2012 AD conjunction is one that involves the earth, sun, and the galactic equator, "specifically at a time when the earth is at the winter solstice (northern hemisphere) point of its orbit", at a seasonal extreme. Now, an event of this sort certainly does not occur every year, but rather once only every 25800 years. And this is due to a very subtle celestial motion: precession.

In astronomy it is an observable fact that "all" background stars have an apparent yearly orbit about the earth of some 365.256363 days, known as the sidereal year. This is the length of time they require to accomplish one complete cycle with respect to the earth orbit. This of course is in marked contrast to the time taken for the earth to orbit about the sun with respect to its 'seasonal markers' i.e. solstice or equinox points. In this instance, the noted separation time is that of the tropical year of 365.2421840 days. Consequently, due to this time discrepancy between the two different types of earth year, there is a continuous 'slippage' of all of the seasonal markers of the earth's orbit, against the whole background star field outside the solar system - which includes all of the stars that make up the Milky Way band. This phenomenon, called precession of the equinoxes, is critical to understanding the 2012 galactic alignment.


As was noted previously, according to scholars of this present age the Maya in all likelihood established the Long Count some time circa 500 BC, with the position also advanced (by some) that as a result of observations carried out during such ancient times, they deliberately set up their calendar to 'count down' to a future conjunction of the earth at winter solstice, the sun, and the galactic equator. It would be well then to examine the sky as would have been evident at this time:

As can be seen, with a view from the centre of the earth upon the winter solstice of 500 BC, looking towards the Milky Way (NB: daylight is 'turned off' in these images), one can see the sun markedly off to the west of the galactic equator. From this initial configuration, the key thing to realise is that due to precessional 'slippage', with every year that passes, "with the earth returning to its next successive winter solstice point", the sun will appear to move eastwards against the seemingly fixed background galactic star field. The actual rate "as an angular sweep" is determined precisely by the difference between the sidereal year of 365.256363 days and the tropical year of 365.242184 days, which translates into approximately 50.29 seconds of arc per year. From the time of 500 BC, the full angular distance as would need to be covered to place the sun on the exact crossing point of the ecliptic and galactic equator, in conjunction with the earth upon a future winter solstice, is approximately 34 degrees and 35 minutes of arc. It is precisely this angular distance that is covered right up to the date of 2012 AD.

The further image shown below details the successive positions of the sun as viewed from the earth upon the winter solstice point of its orbit, at approximately 1000 year intervals, building up to the 2012 conjunction:

The final configuration as is thus manifest in the sky in 2012 AD details then a most exacting alignment of all 3 principle celestial characters: The earth at winter solstice, the sun, and the galactic equator (and in this stated order):

In view then of the above alignment, as is surely manifest in this present era, it would be well to state in summary the critical assumptions that underlie the proposal that the Mayan Calendar Long Count cycle was indeed established specifically to mark the noted celestial configuration in 2012 AD:

1) During the 1st Millennium BC - beginning possibly earlier that this? - the Maya became aware of the phenomenon that is precession.

2) Through continual observation of the sky they derived a fairly refined value for the angular rate of precession i.e. the apparent rate of change or movement of the sun set against the background stars of the Milky Way.

3) The Maya did a forward calculation to determine the time when the sun would conjunct with the galactic equator, when the earth itself was positioned at a future winter solstice point (northern hemisphere) in its orbit.

4) Some time circa the 1st century BC they established the Long Count calendar in stone, using a primary cycle of 1872000 days, with the end date of the cycle (the completion of 13 Baktuns of 144000 days each) synchronised precisely with the galactic conjunction as detailed.

The above points thus capture what are the underlying assumptions of what is the "theory" of the 2012 Mayan Calendar Galactic Alignment.

Ancient World Mysteries Home

REFERENCESAll images are taken from Starry Night version 6.2.3.

Starry Night images used with kind permission of Imaginova Corp. All Rights Reserved.To view the main Website for Starry Night products, one may visit the following link: Starry Night Products Site

FURTHER READINGOne of the Main, if not "the" main proponent of the 2012 Mayan Calendar Galactic Alignment is John M. Jenkins. One may visit his website at the following link: Alignment 2012



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Saturday 10 March 2012

Mayan Prophecies And Crop Circles An Extraordinary Connection

Mayan Prophecies And Crop Circles An Extraordinary Connection Image
Mayan Prophecies and Crop Circles : An Extraordinary Connection is a UFO TV Documentary about the stunning connection between the Crop Circles and Mayan Prophecies that goes back thousands of years.

Scholars and researchers have discovered an extraordinary connection between rare ancient 6000 year old Sumerian symbols, ancient symbols from the mysterious Mayan calendar, and a group of amazing signs and symbols found among crop circle formations believed to be extraterrestrial in origin, that are now appearing in the farmlands of the English countryside.

THREE TIME AWARD WINNER - International UFO Congress EBE Awards, Best Documentary, Best Historical Documentary and Peoples Choice Award.

What are these symbols collectively trying to say? Scientists believe that we are looking at a great symbolic message system, covering vast distances of historical time and space.

However only now with the aid of advanced code breaking technology and the hard work of brilliant researchers, we have been able to connect the dots of antiquity, further unlocking a detailed set of messages that foretell a great prophecy about the future of our planet and confirmation of humanities extraterrestrial origins.

Source : UFO TV

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Wednesday 25 January 2012

2012 Planet Alignment Prophecy Of The Ancient Mayans

2012 Planet Alignment Prophecy Of The Ancient Mayans Image
2012 Planet Alignment predictions dating back to the ancient Mayans state a variety of unfolding events in the year 2012. December 21, 2012, sometimes known as doomsday, have been prophesied about for thousands of years by many ancient peoples including the Mayans, Zulus, Hopi Indians, Incas, and many others.

Many of these ancient civilizations have predicted different things, including global enlightenment, catastrophe on earth, or even the end of the world.

The Mayans had an incredible understanding of our solar system, and developed 17 calendars that we know of today. This probably aided them in planting crops. They developed one noteworthy calendar that we call the Long Count Calendar. This particular calendar ends on December 21, 2012.

Today, we understand that this date is around the time our planet alignment takes place with the Galactic Equator, called the solstice. It is also on this date that the solstice occurs at the moment of the conjunction of the Galactic Equator with the Milky Way. The last time that this happened was on August 11, 3114 B.C.

The theory held by the ancient Mayans as well as our modern day astrologists is called pole shifting. This theory states that the position of the north and south pole change, which could spell worldwide disaster including giant tsunamis, hurricanes on every continent, and turmoil upon the earth.

Astrology in our current age is very important to our understanding of past and future events. We all have to keep ourselves informed; Because if disaster hits, we've got to know what to do.

by Markos Shrier

Article Source: Shrier

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Monday 9 January 2012

2012 Science Or Superstition Movie

2012 Science Or Superstition Movie Image
Graham Hancock is the author of the major international bestsellers 'The Sign and The Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Supernatural' and 'Heaven's Mirror.' His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures and TV appearances, including the three-hour series 'Quest For The Lost Civilisation,' have put his ideas before audiences of tens of millions.

He has become recognized as an unconventional thinker who raises legitimate questions about humanity's history and prehistory and offers an increasingly popular challenge to the entrenched views of orthodox scholars.

John Major Jenkins is an independent researcher who has devoted himself to reconstructing ancient Mayan cosmology and philosophy. Since 1986, John has traveled to Mexico and Central America seven times. In 1990 he helped build a school in San Pedro, near Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. In 1994 he delivered relief supplies to a Quich'e Maya community in the Western highlands of Guatemala. Since beginning his odyssey of research and discovery with the Maya, John has authored dozens of articles and many books, including 'Maya Cosmogenesis 2012' (1998) and 'Galactic Alignment: The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian, and Vedic Traditions' (2002).

Author Daniel Pinchbeck was a founder of the 1990s literary magazine Open City and has written for many publications, including Esquire, The New York Times Magazine, The Village Voice, and Rolling Stone. In 1994, he was chosen by The New York Times Magazine as one of Thirty Under Thirty destined to change our culture.

His latest book, '2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,' is a literary and metaphysical epic that binds together the cosmological phenomena of our time to support the contention of the Mayan calendar that the year 2012 portends an unprecedented global shift.

Pinchbeck lives in New York s East Village, where he is editorial director of Reality Sandwich. He is co-creator of the animation project, PostModern Times.

Alberto Villoldo, PhD, is a medical anthropologist who has spent the last 25 years investigating the healing practices of the shamans of the Amazon and the Andes. He is the founder of the Four Winds Society, an organization dedicated to the bridging of ancient shamanic traditions with modern medicine and psychology.

He is the author of over 10 books, including 'Shaman, Healer, Sage'; 'Mending the Past and Healing the Future with Soul Retrieval'; 'The Four Insights'; 'Yoga, Power and Spirit' and 'Courageous Dreaming.' He makes available a complex body of shamanic knowledge in an elegant and accessible manner.

Lawrence E. Joseph was formerly the chairman of an advanced plasma physics research and development company in Albuquerque, New Mexico. As a writer Joseph has written for, among other publications, The New York Times,, Family Circle, Audubon, Art News, Discover and Diversion.

He is the author of several books including 'Gaia: The Growth of an Idea' (1990) and 'Apocalypse 2012' (2007), a New York Times bestseller. He is currently writing a follow up entitled '2012: The Aftermath.'

Anthony F. Aveni is the Russell B. Colgate Professor of Astronomy and Anthropology, serving appointments in both Departments of Physics and Astronomy and Sociology and Anthropology at Colgate University, where he has taught since 1963. Dr. Aveni helped develop the field of archaeoastronomy and now is considered one of the founders of Mesoamerican Archaeoastronomy, in particular for his research in the astronomical history of the Maya Indians of ancient Mexico. Dr. Aveni is a lecturer, speaker, and editor/author of over two dozen books on ancient astronomy.

Product Description

December 21, 2012: the end date of the sophisticated Long Count Calendar created by the ancient Maya in central America. Countless books and websites, magazine articles and newspaper headlines debate its meaning, with enthusiasts in two camps: those forecasting apocalypse the end of time and those who see a coming renewal, a rebirth of consciousness.

Adding fuel to the debate, some scientists see the increasing number of natural disasters in recent years as evidence of a catastrophic climax of events in 2012. How much of what we re hearing is science and how much is superstition? In this film the leading researchers, writers and scientists in the field tell us exactly what this date means to them, why it s important, and what we should expect.

Featured in the film are Graham Hancock, John Major Jenkins, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alberto Villoldo, Anthony Aveni, Robert Bauval, Jim Marrs, Walter Cruttenden, Lawrence E. Joseph, Douglas Rushkoff, John Anthony West and Benito Vegas Duran.

This is a preview of a Disinformation original documentary film, "2012: Science or Superstition" featuring John Major Jenkins, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alberto Villoldo, Robert Bauval, Jim Marrs and Graham Hancock to debut on December 21st, the winter solstice 2008 and the date exactly four years before the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Interest in the Mayan Long Count Calendar and 2012 end-of-the-world prophecies is increasing rapidly with about four years left to the target date of December 21, 2012 (or thereabouts).

A significant number of new books, as well as reprints of older ones, on the topic of 2012 are being published, some becoming legitimate bestsellers, including: Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization's End by Lawrence E. Joseph; Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 by John Major Jenkins; and 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck.

On the fiction front, Whitley Strieber's latest novel, 2012: The War for Souls, is slated to be a Michael Bay-produced (and possibly directed) film at Warner Bros. Pictures.

An increasing number of mainstream publications are writing about 2012. The New York Times Magazine ran a feature on the topic, focusing on John Major Jenkins, in its July 1, 2007 edition; USA Today published an article entitled "Does Maya calendar predict 2012 apocalypse?" on March 28, 2007; and Publishers Weekly ran a story about the large number of new books on the topic on March 26, 2007. A second PW story ran in the September 3, 2007 edition with a quote from a well-known editor saying that 2012 "has practically become its own category" of books; and proving that the trend is only strengthening, a year later the September 22, 2008 issue of PW in its cover story stated "publishers agree that New Age readers can't get enough prophetic 2012 literature," and "sales on this topic have been through the roof."

Perhaps most significantly from a mainstream awareness perspective, Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, Day After Tomorrow, 10,000 BC) is directing a new tent-pole film for Sony Pictures entitled 2012. It is set for wide theatrical release in July, 2009.

The Disinformation Company specializes in publishing articles on topics surfacing in the culture on its popular website at and publishes books by authors writing in this and related fields. (For instance, Disinformation author Graham Hancock's bestselling book Fingerprints of the Gods was one of the first to focus on the Mayan calendar and its end date in 2012, and will be one of the bases for the Roland Emmerich movie.) Of course, in addition to its publishing division, The Disinformation Company also produces and distributes documentary films.

Producer Gary Baddeley recognized that interest in 2012 was on a fast track into the zeitgeist in 2007 and initiated the process of planning and producing 2012: Science Or Superstition with director Nimrod Erez. The Disinformation team, including co-producer Ralph Bernardo, contacted and arranged interviews with multiple experts, often obtaining speedy access due to more than ten years of working with them or colleagues in their fields.

Interviews were conducted in New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Palenque and also shot on location in Mexico and Egypt. Co-producer Bernardo worked with NASA to obtain illuminating footage of our solar system and galaxy and was able to locate leading astronomy professor Anthony Aveni, a cornerstone of the film's balanced approach. Director Nimrod Erez worked closely with animators to illustrate the sometimes complicated concepts discussed in the film, allowing the viewer to see visually, the hard to grasp phenomenon of precession.

In accord with the Disinformation style of documentary film making and publishing, the producers attempted to highlight multiple views of the subject matter and to interview experts who address the issues from varying and sometimes conflicting perspectives. The goal was to present the viewer with a balanced look at the 2012 phenomenon, allowing him or her to form an independent opinion on the debate about what the December 21, 2012 date means to all of us.

2012 in simple terms points to a time in human evolution... enjoy the journey... :)

Source : 2012 : The Movie DVD

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